Yes, we’ve got talking dogs, documentaries, Bloopers, music videos, advertisements, camera reviews (which is how I got sort of famous), tutorials and now something new–house sale videos! (sample below). Oh, and did I mention DRONES?
I accidentally got sort of famous after doing a camera review. The reason I did the review in the first place was that I needed to upgrade to a new card-based camera from my old Canon tape-drive camera (back in the day) and did what anyone would do–I researched it on Google and YouTube. I had a couple in mind at a certain price point and of the dozen or so reviews (so-called ‘box opening review’) I learned absolutely NOTHING that I didn’t already know by reading on a website. I was expecting some sort of footage to show what the camera could do. I’ve been a cameraman all my life. “Show me!”, I screamed. No one did. Well, one guy zoomed into his cat at the end of the couch at the end. Whoopie.
So I bought one of the cameras anyway and was so impressed that I decided I would do a review myself (even though the camera was already 2 years old and there were dozens of existing reviews).
Within 3 months, my review was seen by more people than all of the other reviews combined for the previous two years. And, bizarrely, years after the release of these cameras, it still gets viewed and I still get comments and emails. Further, no other camera review has EVER had so many views and comments to this day. 210,000 views 10 years on.